All that Glitters is Ivory

Teens and adults enjoy the first white Christmas we have had in a long time over winter break.

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Teens and adults enjoy the first white Christmas we have had in a long time over winter break.

Adianna Lynne, Editor in Chief

As the cold season continues and winter break ensues, we are likely to see more snow and a greater forecast of ice and chill than recent winters. It is estimated that we will receive approximately 21 inches of snow by the 22nd, and temperatures will reach a staggering low of -11 degrees. Many will begin to prepare to be snowed in and spend  a few days inside watching the white snow lay a quiet blanket of sound on the world surrounding us.

Winter break incepts on December 21 and will last until the 3rd of January. As the new year comes upon us many people plan to hangout with friends and make memories with the beginning of the new year. “I personally dislike the cold and the snow that follows after November,” Jada Davis (’23) said. “I love being outside, and I planned on being outside this break, but likely because of the severe weather forecast that now seems unlikely.” Even while Covid-19 may seem like a world ago, seeing family and friends is still a privilege we now are able to enjoy out of the safety of our homes and from behind a screen.

Winter break gives both teachers and students the time to share their love for their loved ones and close family, which often is saved for the holidays, creating a loving and hopeful atmosphere for this year’s holiday season. “I am greatly looking forward to seeing and spending quality time with my family, making new memories and following old traditions before the new year,” Davis said. Spending time with those we love can not only improve the mental health of one during the winter season which can be difficult for many, as well as the enjoyment of the upcoming holidays this season.

Winter break, as well as most school breaks, give students the opportunity to take a break from the constant business that the school year creates. Students and staff are able to spend time with their families, regroup emotionally, and prepare for upcoming finals during the time, allowing for a return to productivity and success. “I plan to hangout with friends over break and use the time to reset and relax,” Cooper Clayton (’25) said. Even while our winter break this year might have been shorter than prior years, with the proper utilization its peace and order still show through and prepare us for the rest of the year.