2nd Semester Spring Play


Theatre students are ready to audition for the spring play

Holliday Palazzolo, Reporter

As All Together Now served as a fundraiser for theaters that are suffering due to COVID, it also served as the first theatrical production for our school during the first semester. Now that the students are refreshed from winter break, the staff in the theatre department are already coming up with things to do for the spring play! Upon further discussion amongst the theater staff, the next theater production will be Miss Holmes an adaptation of Sherlock Holmes, but the lead role will be played by a woman. Unlike All Together Now, which was only a collection of broadway’s most beloved songs, Miss Holmes will be a play with little to no musical numbers.

“When the theater staff was trying to decide on what to do for the spring play, Mr. Milhous recommended that we do Miss Holmes,” Mr. Heiger said. “We all collectively agreed on Miss Holmes because we would end up being the very first school in Missouri to put on the play.”

For students who aren’t familiar with Sherlock Holmes, the story follows a detective named William Sherlock Scott Holmes as he travels across the United Kingdom, solving mysteries and doing whatever he can to bring down his nemesis who wishes to wreak havoc amongst the streets of England. Miss Holmes follows the same story as the original Sherlock Holmes, but the lead role is played by a woman.

“When I first read the script for Miss Holmes a few years ago, I fell in love with it and how it takes a somewhat different turn,” Mr. Milhous said. “It follows the same premise and story as the original Sherlock Holmes, but by turning the main characters into women, it shows the struggles and obstacles that came with being a woman around 1837 trying to pursue their dreams.”

Auditions for Miss Holmes will take place on January 26, tech crew applications will be due on the same date as well. And the play will be shown on April 7, 8, and 9. For anyone interested in auditioning for the play, the theater staff advises that confident, dedicated students would be best for the play. And for any students interested in auditioning for the lead role, theater staff are looking for someone confident, sarcastic, and witty. As the first school in Missouri to put on the play, the theater staff are looking forward to seeing students rise to the occasion and have the show go off with a bang!