Are Parents Putting Too Much Pressure on Their Kids?

These are the thoughts that begin to go through childrens minds when they cant live up to parental expectations.

Isabella Petry

These are the thoughts that begin to go through children’s minds when they can’t live up to parental expectations.

Isabella Petry, Reporter

Mental health in teens and young adults is at an all-time high, while the reasoning can differ, an important one that goes unnoticed by many is the pressure that parents are putting on their children. 60% of teens said they feel pressure or distress from parent expectations. Just imagine all the ones who were too afraid of what their parents would think that they said they didn’t feel pressure from parents.

While not all parents do this, there are many who do. But what makes this a lesser-known reason for declining mental health is the fact that some parents don’t even know how much pressure they are putting on their kids.

Some of the most common things that prompt parents to pressure their kids are; if their child struggles with things that came easily to them. Another reason could be when you choose friends who your parents think are poor influences. The truth is, parents don’t understand that their kids are trying to figure out who they are. They’re figuring out what they’re good at and the type of person they want to be, and sometimes it can be hard for parents to accept that.

There are different main forms of pressure, direct and indirect. Parents might not think they are applying one pressure, but realize that they are on the other, whether they yell and use force or guilt-trip them. It still affects the child, making them believe they aren’t good enough, making them believe their parents could never be proud of them or making them believe that they’re stupid.

If you see yourself withdrawing from certain situations, talking about death or suicide, changing eating habits, having extreme weight loss, having changes in mood or anything similar to these symptoms, you need to first know that there is help. Parents need to realize that their child doesn’t want this to be happening to them. You’re not weak or soft. You are strong. You may be going through every emotion and still having to deal with your life, and parents need to acknowledge that.

Don’t push these symptoms aside, talk to someone, tell your side of the story and then work together to come up with solutions. Your parents know you love them, and they love you too. They just want you to go about showing it in a different way.