8 More Mondays!

Dont waste time and work on school before it ends! 
Try new sports!

Don’t waste time and work on school before it ends! Try new sports!

Riley Pulley, Reporter

As April comes around with her rain showers, there are a lot of things to get done before Summer! We have officially 43 days left of school. This means football season is coming back, the weather is getting better and this is short weather. Some of our students were asked how they feel.

“I’m excited for it to be over, and for football seasons to start back up and become a sophomore,” Alleson Grace Newell (‘25) said. 

Newell was a Cheerleader as a freshman and is trying out again this year! If you missed it, Tryouts are this Thursday Apr 7, 2022. Clinics are Monday Apr 4, 2022 and Tuesday Apr 5, 2022

She’s not the only one excited, I am too! I can’t wait for the warm weather and being up all night. Some of our students are so excited some grades have been slacking. As summer and year round sports start, back up grades are important. 

“I’m excited for school to be out, but I’m one of the students who have grades that I need to get up if I want to Wrestle this year,” Dakota Ivancic (‘25) said.  

Ivancic is a bright student who was encouraged to tell us she is a part of that group. If you are a part of that, use our WIN Time to help your grades out. 

“As school starts finishing up, I am super excited,” Joie Dreisewerd (‘25) said. 

Dreisewerd is ready to be on the river all summer and be in the sun. 

There is a lot happening with such short little time. As the 2021-2022 school year comes to an end, I think everyone is excited for it to be out! 

If you want to pass this year before school is out, Please use our WIN Time for extra practice. Everyday from 10:43-11:43. Monday’s 10:49-11:49.