Turkey Drive Dreams

Isabella Smithey, Reporter

Last year, our school placed 2nd in the district, which is great for a brand-new school, but this year, we dream of gathering enough turkeys to help everyone in need and are striving for 1st place. It is sponsored by STUCO, FCCLA, DECA, FBLA and NHS. The turkeys are in conjunction with the St. Charles County Annual Turkey Drive and will be given to people in need this Thanksgiving.

“We would like to have enough turkeys to give back to our community,” STUCO said.

Money and turkeys can be brought in now, but the drive takes place on Wednesday morning from 6:30-7:30.

Remember this is a competition is for your 4th-period class, so bring as many turkeys as you can and win a classroom treat tray for you and all of your classmates in 4th period.